新しいスカルプケアデバイスNew scalp care device based on ultrasonic research -
独自技術「非接触振動圧刺激」を搭載Powered by proprietary technology
“non-contact vibrotactile stimulation” -
1日1分の新しいヘアケア習慣1 min/day hair care
旅行や出張先にも持ち運べるPortable for travel or business trips


SonoRepro's research and development team conducted a 12-week hair growth program using the device and scalp serum.
As a result, in addition to increasing the volume of the hair, monitors have also received comments about beautiful hair such as firmness and shine.
※Effects may vary from person to person.

予防医学のアンファーと共同開発Co-developed with Angfa, a preventive medicine company
SonoReproは、落合陽一率いるピクシーダストテクノロジーズの技術と、予防医学のアンファーの頭髪研究を組み合わせ共同開発した、超音波による刺激で頭皮を刺激する家庭用ヘアケアデバイスです。SonoRepro is a home-use hair care device that stimulates the scalp with ultrasonic waves, jointly developed by combining the technology of Pixie Dust Technologies led by Yoichi Ochiai and the hair research of Angfa, a preventive medicine company.
1日1分間、頭皮の気になる部分にご使用ください。ミノキシジルを塗布した頭にも使えます。Use on areas of the scalp of concern for one minute per day. Can also be used on minoxidil-applied heads.


約4万回/秒の振動圧刺激で、触れずに頭皮を刺激します。 SonoRepro is the world's first scalp care device that uses ultrasonic control technology to deliver non-contact vibratory pressure stimulation to the scalp.
The unique hexagonal structure of the device focuses ultrasonic waves emitted by the 61 ultrasonic speakers mounted on the device. The device stimulates the scalp with approximately 40,000 times/second of vibration pressure stimulation without touching the scalp.

研究・開発の背景 Research & Development Background.
約260gと軽量で、頭皮の気になる部分(生え際・つむじなど)1箇所につき1分間、クイックにケアいただけます。 We at Pixie Dust Technologies have long been involved in applied research using the non-contact force produced by ultrasound. The large device using non-contact vibration pressure stimulation that we jointly developed with Angfa has been introduced to D Clinic, a scalp/head hair specialist, as a “non-contact vibration pressure stimulation device. The SonoRepro is a miniaturized version of this device that enables full-scale hair care at home. Weighing only about 260g, the SonoRepro provides quick care for one minute per area of the scalp (hairline, whirlpool, etc.) that is of concern.
超音波による温度変化Temperature change by ultrasonic waves.

※20~50 代男女 N=21 2024年6月ピクシーダストテクノロジーズ調べ※20-50 yrs old male/female N=21 June 2024 Pixie Dust Technologies survey.
非接触振動圧刺激を用いた超音波によるスカルプケアは、従来の治療や対策と比較して様々なメリットがあります。 Ultrasonic scalp care using non-contact vibratory pressure stimulation offers various advantages over conventional treatments and measures.

時間がかからない。It doesn't take much time.
通院せずに家庭で気軽に使えるので、手間と時間がかからない。It can be used easily at home without a hospital visit, saving time and effort.
早い効果が期待できる。Quick effects can be expected.
※1か月で効果実感をしたと答えた方72.7%。自社アンケート調べEffects can be felt from as little as one month*.
*72.7% of the respondents answered that they felt the effect in one month. Based on in-house survey -
AGA治療より安価。Less expensive than AGA treatment.
※20クリニックから6ヶ月にかかる費用を月額に割り戻し計算しています。While the market price for AGA treatment is about 33,000 yen per month (total annual cost is about 400,000 yen*), SonoRepro can be used continuously if purchased.
*The cost is calculated by dividing back the monthly cost from 20 clinics to 6 months. -
女性でも安心して使える。Even women can use it safely.
非接触のため副作用の心配がなく、女性でも使用可能。(シェアも可能)Non-contact, no side effects, can be used by women. (Can also be shared)
他社スカルプケアとの比較Comparison with other companies' scalp care

各種受賞・記録歴Awards and Records

ヒトサイタイ血由来幹細胞エクソソームが、頭皮の毛母細胞に働きかけます。Human cord blood-derived stem cell exosomes act on scalp hair matrix cells.

ヒトサイタイ血由来幹細胞エクソソームとはWhat are Human Cord Blood-derived Stem Cells Exosomes?
アンチエイジング医療で話題の細胞修復の重要物質!An important substance for cell repair, a hot topic in the anti-aging medical community!
ヒトサイタイ血由来幹細胞は血液など様々な体液中に存在する細胞と細胞の情報コミュニケーションを担っている物質の一種です。ヒトサイタイ血由来幹細胞は細胞が損傷すると、その細胞が自力で回復できるように働きかけます。自身が修復するわけではなく、修復の仕方を損傷した細胞に伝える役割をしているのです。細胞を修復させる能力を持つので、頭皮の新陳代謝を促すことができるため、毛髪再生に適しています。Human Cord Blood-derived Stem Cells are a type of substance found in blood and various other body fluids that is responsible for cell-to-cell communication. When cells are damaged, Human Cord Blood-derived Stem Cells work to help them recover on their own. They do not repair the damaged cells themselves, but rather they tell the damaged cells how to repair themselves. Because of its ability to allow cells to repair themselves, it is suitable for hair regeneration because it stimulates the metabolism of the scalp.

センブリエキスの育毛効果で弾む美髪へと整えるHair growth effect of Swertia Japonica Extract for bouncy, beautiful hair
センブリエキスが育毛効果を促進。頭皮のターンオーバーをサポートし、髪にハリとコシを与えてふんわり弾む美髪へと整えます。Swertia Japonica Extract promotes hair growth. It supports the turnover of the scalp and gives hair bounce and elasticity, making it fluffy and bouncy.
INGREDIENT 美容成分(保湿成分)配合Contains beauty ingredients (moisturizing ingredients)
美容・保湿成分を13種類配合Nurtures healthy, moisturized hair
Contains 13 types of beauty and moisturizing ingredients.
使いやすいスプレータイプで、日常のヘアケアに最適です。Luxurious blend of moisturizing ingredients to provide moisture and promote healthy hair Easy-to-use spray type, ideal for daily hair care.
SonoReproの使い方How to use SonoRepro
洗髪して髪を乾かした後、頭皮の気になる部分にSonoRepro Exosomeを塗布して揉みこみます。After washing and drying hair, apply SonoRepro Exosome to areas of concern on the scalp.
SonoReproは何も塗っていない頭皮にもご使用いただけますが、美容液やミノキシジル配合の育毛・発毛剤等の併用もオススメしております。SonoRepro can be used alone, but we also recommend using it in combination with serums, minoxidil-based hair growth and hair regrowth products, etc.
SonoRepro本体の電源をON にし、ケアしたいポイントの中央を覆うように、スペーサー部分をしっかり頭皮に当てます。Turn on the SonoRepro, and place the spacer part firmly on the scalp so that it covers the center of the point to be cared for.
生え際の場合は、髪を少しかき上げて当ててください。For the hairline, brush hair up slightly and apply.
1分経過すると持ち手が振動するので、次にケアしたい所に同じように当ててください。After one minute has passed, the handle will vibrate, and you can apply the same to the next area you wish to care for.
無理なくご使用いただくために、1日最大5箇所の5分間の使用を推奨しております。(5分経過すると自動的に電源OFF になるタイマー機能付)For easy use, we recommend using the device for 5 minutes at a maximum of 5 locations per day. (With a timer function that automatically turns the power off after 5 minutes.)
施術した部分を最後に手で軽くマッサージします。The treated area is lightly massaged by hand at the end.
SonoReproの超音波による振動で頭皮に刺激を与えた後、SonoRepro Exosomeを手で軽くなじませていただくとより効果的です。After stimulating the scalp with SonoRepro's ultrasonic vibration, it is more effective to massaged lightly by hand.
よくあるご質問 Q&A
ASonoReproデバイスのみご使用いただく形でも問題ありません。また、SonoReproExosome以外のお手持ちの育毛剤や美容液と併用いただいても問題ありません。There is no problem even if you use only SonoRepro devices. Also, there is no problem if you use it in combination with your existing hair restorer or serum other than SonoReproExosome.
※個人差がございます。We recommend that you start by using it continuously every day at the same time for about 1 to 2 months.
*There are individual differences. -
A女性もお使いいただけます。Women can also use it.
A共有いただけます。その場合は、必ず頭に触れるスペーサーをお手入れしてからお使いください。You can share. In this case, be sure to clean the spacer that touches the head before use.
A頭皮以外への使用は想定していません。特に目や耳には当てないでください。It is not intended for use on anything other than the scalp. In particular, do not apply to the eyes or ears.
A防水仕様ではないため、水に濡れない場所でお使いください。Since the product is not waterproof, please use it in a place where it will not get wet.
A快適にお使いいただけることを確認していますが、照射中に不快感を感じたら使用を中止してください。またデバイス本体や照射箇所が熱く感じた場合も使用を中止してください。Although we have confirmed that the device is comfortable to use, stop using it if you feel any discomfort during irradiation. Discontinue use if the device itself or the irradiated area feels hot.
※PayPay・楽天ペイはSonoRepro Exosome単品購入のみご利用可能。Credit card payment, PayPay, and Rakuten Pay are accepted.
*PayPay and Rakuten Pay can only be used to purchase SonoRepro Exosome individually. -
※お届け日のご指定はいただけません。Orders placed before 3:00 p.m. on weekdays will generally be shipped on the same day. (Orders placed after 3:00 p.m. will be shipped on the next business day.) (Orders placed after 3:00 p.m. will be shipped on the next business day. (It may take longer for delivery to remote islands.) ✳️It will take longer for delivery to arrive in remote islands. -
A送料無料でお届けいたします。We offer free shipping.
Aユーザーガイドに基づく通常のお取り扱いにおいて万が一故障が生じた場合は、ご購入から1年間、無償で対応いたします。同梱の保証書と現品をご用意の上、サポート窓口までお問い合わせください。 In the unlikely event of a malfunction during normal handling in accordance with the User's Guide, the product will be covered free of charge for a period of one year from the date of purchase. Please contact our support office with the enclosed warranty card and the original product.
※レンタル条件は各サイトで異なりますので、それぞれご確認ください。Rental is available at the following sites.
*Rental conditions vary at each site, so please check with each site. -
A下記の店舗にてSonoReproの実機を確認・体験いただけます。その場でお買い求めもいただけますので、ぜひ店頭でお試しください。You can check and experience the actual SonoRepro at the following stores.You can also purchase SonoRepro on the spot, so please try it out in our stores.
二子玉川 蔦屋家電Futako Tamagawa TSUTAYA ELECTRICS/広島 T-SITEHiroshima T-SITE■ビックカメラ:■BICCAMERA:取扱店舗Stores
■ヨドバシカメラ:YODOBASHI取扱店舗(全店舗)Stores (all stores)